Kitesurfing lagoon of Lagos – how to find, where to parking, where to kite, teaching & kiteng area, danger places.
Kite lagoon is a great place for water sports, but not everyone knows the subtleties and nuances of this place, such as:
1. How to get lagoon and where to park you can check in one of our pages “Location”
2. Place for preparing, launching and landing the kite
3. Teaching area with shallow water and sandy bottom
4. Area for kiteng and advanced learners
5. Dangerous places where it is better not to ride
These five tips on the map will help you stay out of trouble and get out of trouble with your local kitesurf school.
1.Parking and road.
If you are hoping for an asphalt parking with white markings, then you are deeply mistaken, but not so bad, even in high season there are enough parking spaces.
An important point, do not leave the car behind the oyster farm, as they can break glass and take everything of value.
And there is a suspicion that the thieves work together with the farmers and a kite school that based there.
2.Kite launching area and beach.
Beach is large enough for safely prepare and launch kites, apart from those few very high tide days when the water covers most of the beach where a single kite can barely fit.
We also do not recommend leaving valuables on the beach, as in the summer’s bustle someone may confuse the backpack and take your things.
Also, after launching the kite, you should not stand on the shore, as the wind is not very even and a kite may fall on people or overlap with another kite.
3. Training area.
Depending on the tide, the shallow teaching spot can be larger or smaller (marked in yellow).
At high tide – the training area shifted to center of kite lagoon and training is possible only with a power-boat.
At completely low tide, size of a kite lagoon halved, and therefore the space for students becomes smaller.
best time to learn is when tide is coming, as water comes into the lagoon and current becomes low and area for learning and kitesurf becomes larger and there is an opportunity to stay away from dangerous places.
4. Kiteng area.
Area for advanced kiteboarders vary depending on number of students in kitesurfing lagoon of Lagos.
In high season, kitesurfing is very limited in central and deep part of lagoon, but if you come at high tide, there will be enough space for everyone who wants to ride.
Best place for riding and practicing tricks and jumps with perfectly smooth water is in a center part of a lagoon behind a sandy island, and most stable wind is also there.
5. Dangerous places.
Kitesurf lagoon of Lagos – is a safe enough place if you do not consider three BUTs:
First – is a fairly strong current in center of lagoon at low tide, which can easily carry you into the open ocean in five minutes.
Second – is a rocky coast, on which a floor of a hundred kites breaks annually, we mark it on the map in red.
Third – oyster farms, at full high tide they hide under water, at low tide they are clearly visible, danger is in wooden and metal pins that stand around the perimeter.
Well, for those who still have questions, such as:
- 1. Why Choose Kitesurfing School in Lagos? Here’s What You Need to Know.
- 2. How to Pick the Right Kitesurfing School in Lagos for You.
- 3. Top 5 Mistakes New Kitesurfers Make at Schools in Lagos.
- 4. What’s the Best Time of Year for Kitesurfing Lessons in Lagos?
- 5. How Much Does Kitesurfing School in Lagos Really Cost?
- 6. Your Guide to the Best Kitesurfing Spots in Lagos.
- 7. What to Expect on Your First Day at Kitesurfing School in Lagos.
- 8. Kitesurfing Safety Tips Every Beginner Should Know.
- 9. What Gear Do You Need for Kitesurfing School in Lagos?
We will answer all these questions with joy according to WhatsApp!
Our Algarve Kite Center located in the best and safer place in lagoon for kite lessons. We stay next to the water and far away from Danger place.